The Creator’s Formula

The Creator’s Formula

“Everybody has a creative potential and from the moment you can express this creative potential, you can start changing the world.”
- Paulo Coelho, Author, The Alchemist

Creativity is that special something. It can take you from good to great, from want to need, from admiration to infatuation. It is intangible, emotional, and premium-worthy. It’s honest. It’s simple. It’s generous. It’s beautiful to watch and effortless to enjoy. Once you get in touch with your creativity, nothing else is ever the same. It is an energy deep within, that connects us all.

The way to create value in the Age of Ideas is to identify, manifest, and share your creativity.

A little far out for you? Let me elaborate.

If you’ve ever fallen in love—and I hope you have— you’d know that it is quite an unexplainable emotion. There’s no questioning it when it happens. When you feel love, it’s unmistakably present, and when you don’t, there’s no doubting its absence.

When a product, organization, or person is in touch with their creativity, it is very similar. There’s no doubt that something special is happening or someone special is present. An emotional reaction takes place that binds the energy of these experiences to your soul and leaves you wanting more, not much different from when you’re in love. That’s why you sometimes hear people professing strong feelings for their new electronic gizmo, a piece of art, their favorite hotel, an item of clothing, or a great performer. The creative energy that person or product generates makes a tremendous connection with the consumer—so much so that they fall in love with it.

Your creative potential is fully unleashed when you manifest the highest and purest form of your purpose, what you stand for, what you believe in, what you’re best at.

Creativity, like love, is entirely emotional, meaning it doesn’t have a physical presence. That’s what makes it so extraordinary, and yet so difficult for so many to believe in or understand. It makes a lot of very smart people uncomfortable; they have an intense desire for creativity in their lives or businesses, but they can’t just purchase it like a material thing or control it like a process in a factory. To manifest your creativity you must believe deeply in the emotional elements and patiently invest in them. Once you find your creativity, it must be encouraged and enhanced, not controlled. The best of the best—the Apples, Nikes, Michael Jordans, Andy Warhols, Meryl Streeps of the world—have it; they protect it, believe in it, and as long as they stay true to their essence they’ll continue to reap the benefits that come with creative thinking and living.

The Creator’s Formula

The greatest challenge individuals and organizations face when attempting to manifest their creative potential is not a lack of talent or resourcesit’s a lack of understanding. Even when people believe in creativity and the intangible emotional elements, they don’t understand how they function, or they significantly undervalue them. That puts those who do understand in the precarious position of needing to change people’s opinions before getting supportnot an easy task. While it is well documented that individuals and organizations that achieve greatness think independently, achieving your goals while fighting constant opposition takes a combination of bravery, confidence, and perseverance that is difficult to develop and exhibit consistently.

It was my own frustration in constantly explaining the value of creativity and emotions that led me to write my book and newsletter, intending to increase understanding by creating a coherent explanation of this transformative perspective. The next step in that process is to create a simple framework that can guide you on the journey to unlock your creative potentialwhat we’re calling the Creator’s Formula. It’s a set of skills and conditions that must be in place for you to realize this value. The first step is to gain a clear understanding of what each of the elements are and how they work. Then you can begin experimenting with the formula. This will help you build trust in your creative process and eventually harness it for your individual or organizational benefit.

Like most formulas, it requires an investment of time and energy to understand the subject matter behind the formula presented. For example, Einstein’s theory of relativity, e=mc2, means nothing without a basic knowledge of physics and mathematics. In our case, the more self-aware you become and the more you practice the art of manifesting—making the intangible tangible—the more effective the formula will become. Think of it as your guide to the process of discovering and sharing the best version of yourself or your organization. A guide that gives you permission to experiment, trust your instincts, and, most importantly, take the right chances that will lead to previously unimaginable results and fulfillment.

The Creator’s Formula is made up of four key elements: defined purpose, experienced creativity, flawless execution, and emotional generosity.


Defined Purpose

The why behind everything you do. What drives you, what makes you different, your essence.


Experienced Creativity

The ability to manifest your breed of creativity consistently over a sustained period of time.


Flawless Execution

When a product or service is the ideal manifestation of its purpose.


Emotional Generosity

Understanding the needs of others and being willing to put them ahead of your own selfish desires.


Personal Fulfillment & Professional Achievement


For more on how to unlock your creative potential and implement the Creator’s Formula click here

Start your journey today
